sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

Livros de Filosofia da Biologia

 Grene & Mendelsohn (1976) Topics in the Philosophy of Biology.
• Pichot (1980) Éléments pour une théorie de la biologie.
 Rosenberg (1985) The Structure of Biological Science.
 Griffiths (1992) Trees of Life: Essays in Philosophy of Biology.
• Pichot (1993) Histoire de la notion de vie.
 Hull & Ruse (1998) The Philosophy of Biology.
 Sterelny & Griffiths (1999) Sex and Death: An Introduction to Philosophy of Biology.
 Sober (2000) Philosophy of Biology, 2nd Edition.
 Mayr (2004) What Makes Biology Unique: Considerations on the Autonomy of a Scientific Discipline.
 O'Hear (2005) Philosophy, Biology and Life.
 Weber (2005) Philosophy of Experimental Biology.
 Okasha (2006) Evolution and the Levels of Selection.
 Sober (2006) Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology.
 Garvey (2007) Philosophy of Biology.
 Hull & Ruse (2007) The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology.
 Matthen & Stephens (2007) Philosophy of Biology (Handbook of Philosophy of Science).
 Agutter & Wheatley (2008) Thinking About Life: The History and Philosophy of Biology and Other Sciences.
 Rosenberg & McShea (2008) Philosophy of Biology: A Contemporary Introduction.
 Sarkar & Plutynski (2008) A Companion to the Philosophy of Biology.
 Barberousse et al. (2009) Mapping the Future of Biology: Evolving Concepts and Theories.
 Ruse (2009) Defining Darwin: Essays on the History and Philosophy of Evolutionary Biology.
 Ayala & Arp (2010) Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Biology.
 Richards (2010) The Species Problem: A Philosophical Approach.
• Pichot (2011) Expliquer la vie. De l'âme à la molécule.
 Dupré (2012) Processes of Life: Essays in the Philosophy of Biology.
 Kampourakis (2013) The Philosophy of Biology: A Companion for Educators.
 Godfrey-Smith (2014) Philosophy of Biology.
 Kaiser et al. (2014) Explanation in the Special Sciences: The Case of Biology and History.
 Braillard & Malaterre (2015) Explanation in Biology: An Enquiry into the Diversity of Explanatory Patterns in the Life Sciences.
 Love (2015) Conceptual Change in Biology: Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives on Evolution and Development.
 Okasha (2019) Philosophy of Biology, A Very Short Introduction.

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 Agutter & Wheatley (2008) Thinking About Life: The History and Philosophy of Biology and Other Sciences.
 Ayala & Arp (2010) Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Biology.
 Barberousse et al. (2009) Mapping the Future of Biology: Evolving Concepts and Theories.
 Braillard & Malaterre (2015) Explanation in Biology: An Enquiry into the Diversity of Explanatory Patterns in the Life Sciences.
 Dupré (2012) Processes of Life: Essays in the Philosophy of Biology.
 Garvey (2007) Philosophy of Biology.
 Godfrey-Smith (2014) Philosophy of Biology.
 Grene & Mendelsohn (1976) Topics in the Philosophy of Biology.
 Griffiths (1992) Trees of Life: Essays in Philosophy of Biology.
 Hull & Ruse (1998) The Philosophy of Biology.
 Hull & Ruse (2007) The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology.
 Kaiser et al. (2014) Explanation in the Special Sciences: The Case of Biology and History.
 Kampourakis (2013) The Philosophy of Biology: A Companion for Educators.
 Love (2015) Conceptual Change in Biology: Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives on Evolution and Development.
 Matthen & Stephens (2007) Philosophy of Biology (Handbook of Philosophy of Science).
 Mayr (2004) What Makes Biology Unique: Considerations on the Autonomy of a Scientific Discipline.
 O'Hear (2005) Philosophy, Biology and Life.
 Okasha (2006) Evolution and the Levels of Selection.
 Okasha (2019) Philosophy of Biology, A Very Short Introduction.
• Pichot (1980) Éléments pour une théorie de la biologie.
• Pichot (1993) Histoire de la notion de vie.
• Pichot (2011) Expliquer la vie. De l'âme à la molécule.
 Richards (2010) The Species Problem: A Philosophical Approach.
 Rosenberg (1985) The Structure of Biological Science.
 Rosenberg & McShea (2008) Philosophy of Biology: A Contemporary Introduction.
 Ruse (2009) Defining Darwin: Essays on the History and Philosophy of Evolutionary Biology.
 Sarkar & Plutynski (2008) A Companion to the Philosophy of Biology.
 Sober (2000) Philosophy of Biology, 2nd Edition.
 Sober (2006) Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology.
 Sterelny & Griffiths (1999) Sex and Death: An Introduction to Philosophy of Biology.
 Weber (2005) Philosophy of Experimental Biology.

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